In 1993, the issue of land and indigenous claims in the Kivus erupted into bloody conflict.
But soon those larger issues erupted, culminating in two days of carnage in which hundreds were killed.
The issue erupted late last month at a town hall meeting where about 100 people debated the state's plans.
More specifically, the issue of cloning has erupted much conflict.
As individuals became increasingly exposed to tobacco through its importation for instance, issues of morality and legality erupted.
In 1636 an issue erupted in Boston that would consume the attention of the magistrates for nearly two years.
The issue erupted a year ago with a battle over a proposal to end the system known as tracking, or grouping according to ability, in ninth-grade English.
The issue erupted during their debate on September 15, 2000.
Earlier this month, the same issues of confidentiality and privacy that cloak contact tracing erupted in a different context.
But the issue erupted onto the national scene in recent years with the popularity of the Grand Theft Auto franchise.