They have the power to issue fines to members of the University for numerous offences, including cheating in examinations.
He noted that if the county's solution did not work, he would once again issue fines.
He will issue fines on the spot if they're late to court.
They can issue fines up to $250 for each undersized fish.
The cameras do not issue fines or penalty points to the driver, but record the number plate, speed and time of vehicles.
The commission did not issue fines in any of the cases because the programs were broadcast before the agency changed its policy.
When violations were found, we issued stiff fines under our new, tougher penalty structure.
It can issue fines if, for example, the broadcaster employs certain profane words.
It has power to issue fines for different violations (sanctions can be appealed to the Court).
The department has issued numerous fines of up to $350 against the construction company for discharging the water without a permit.