The unions have been issuing fliers in workplaces and organizing a "Call Congress" campaign.
Police officials issued fliers yesterday to the Taxi and Limousine Commission and to taxi companies throughout the city in an effort to reach a cab driver who may have picked up the Russian-born woman who disappeared after leaving her Upper East Side apartment house on Monday.
And what other city would issue fliers explaining service changes for a single subway line in English, Spanish, Korean and Haitian Creole?
Mr. Bertram said he had undercover men, police officers in vans and deputies investigating the series of arson fires in addition to instituting a hot line for tips, issuing fliers requesting information, interviewing witnesses and even conducting voice stress tests for some people.
Police spokesman Paul Browne said the city and the owners of the park, Brookfield Office Properties, issued fliers to the protesters saying the park would be cleared for cleaning shortly after 1am in New York (0600 GMT).
Here, where wartime privations continue to take their toll, where "Death to Traitors" and "Long Live the Mujahedeen" were spray-painted on polling centers, where insurgents issued threatening fliers and publicly killed Iraqis they called collaborators with the Americans, many observers questioned whether anyone would vote.
A politiquera in the USA is an individual who is paid for by an election campaign to knock on doors to issue fliers and encourage people to get out and vote in favour of the candidate.
In early 2013, a Mexican drug trafficking organization issued fliers offering a reward of $600,000 pesos ($46,000 USD) for anyone that could give out information to locate the admin of Valor por Tamaulipas or any of his family members.