But Mr. Zogby said he was also planning a series of "issue forums" on the Middle East.
Iowa Democrats like nothing better than an issue forum or a candidate breakfast, but by late April 1987 they had already had 64 days of Representative Richard A. Gephardt and 59 days of Bruce Babbitt, the former Arizona Governor.
This is done through networking events, workshops and issue forums, including:
But he clearly revels in the older forms of politics, like the endless candidate and issue forums that still draw many Iowans out on cold fall nights.
The annual conference includes legislative briefings, issue forums, and developing advocacy skills.
Activities include the hosting of stakeholder meetings and issue forums, and participation in stakeholder conferences, seminars and events.
Perhaps Senator Bradley can initiate issue forums that not only dissect the major issues, but also look to our citizens for new approaches to these problems.
It provides policymakers, citizens and the media with access to current research on transportation issues through in-depth policy briefs, regular op-eds, issue forums and legislative testimony.
The Democratic Leadership Council is making plans to organize candidate debates, voter education programs and issue forums as part of an effort to build interest in the regional contests.