The person said that several issues needed to be worked out before any deal could be announced.
As such, he said Greenhill & Company's findings "do not seem to address the full range of issues" needed to assess Microsoft's future.
Reporters may present the necessary information and facts of an issue needed for individuals to decide the whether or not future action needs to take place.
The rinks used were very new, and some issues with the air conditioning still needed to be worked out.
Little development can lead to issues such as limited public transport, few shops, schools and other essential services needed for the people in the area.
The total land area of the barangay is not yet reconciled since there are issues needed to be settled.
Sub-committees worked on solving key issues needed to be resolved.
However, even after launching, numerous issues needed to be addressed, including a problem with stability that required the addition of bulges to the hull.
Access work can also involve negotiating copyright clearance and overcoming technical issues needed to provide high-quality access copies.
Peter Gillespie, a member of the community advisory board created to work with the city after the rezoning, said several hot-button issues still needed attention.