Declining issues outnumbered those that rose by 989 to 723.
Advancing issues outnumbered those declining by a margin of more than 2 to 1.
Declining issues narrowly outnumbered those that rose, 1,004 to 953.
Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones by nearly 3 to 1, with 1,122 stocks down and 461 up.
Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones by a ratio of about 10 to 9.
For the day, declining issues outnumbered those that advanced by a margin of 10 to 1.
Advancing issues outnumbered those that declined by 912 to 704.
Declining issues outnumbered those that advanced by 843 to 724.
Volume was light, and declining issues again outnumbered those that gained in price.
Advancing issues outnumbered declines by more than 2 to 1.