Now, in November, new issues already total more than $1.4 billion.
At least three more new issues totaling $675 million have been announced.
Average issues of 73 totaled more than 300 pages in the 1970s and 80s.
In the four months after Oct. 19, new issues totaled less than $220 million.
In the corporate market, at least six new issues totaling $1.1 billion were offered yesterday, after about $400 million of offerings on Tuesday.
There was more activity in the corporate market, however, as underwriters offered at least five new issues totaling $795 million.
The two issues, however, totaled $1.15 billion in junk bonds and both are related to acquisitions.
But in 1983, with a new bull market pawing the ground, 687 issues totaling $12.5 billion reached investors.
That institution borrowed in the domestic long-term debt market last year - with two issues totaling $400 million - for the first time since 1980.
Many analysts expect the three issues will total about $28.25 billion, down from the $29 billion package auctioned in early May.