Michael Viner, president of Dove, said the People tapes would be issued quarterly at first and, if successful, go monthly within the next two years.
Statements are usually issued quarterly, some roles can be reported at different frequencies depending on business structure and income.
Lilith magazine is an independent, Jewish-American, feminist non-profit publication that has been issued quarterly since 1976.
The series was issued quarterly for the first nine volumes but could not sustain this pace thereafter.
The bill is issued quarterly.
Issued quarterly, the magazine's target audience was the 14 to 28 demographic, although the demographic has become older over time.
The journal was largely issued quarterly until 1999.
The journal, which commenced publication in 2005, is issued quarterly.
The magazine originally was issued quarterly, becoming bimonthly in fall 1975 and monthly starting in March 1979.
The journal is issued quarterly, and is available online or in print.