The content and feature areas include community awareness, family, business, education, entertainment and games, news and communication (chats rooms & hot issues forum - discussion areas).
He also served as director of the civic issues forum at the University of Cincinnati School of Law.
I Know Every Activist' State Democratic Chairman John Marino cited that association in deciding not to have the state committee act as host to an issues forum to let Mr. Sharpton present his views to party insiders.
They figured out that more than 200 health industry lobbyists were anxious enough about the Administration's reform plan to fork over $5,000 each to attend, among other things, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee's "issues forum" on health care reform.
But when she started writing topic headings on the chart with a Kelly green marker for a women's issues forum, it became clear that Theresa was a Girl Scout.
At an issues forum last week in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Joe Scarborough, a Republican House candidate, offered one answer for every question about policy.
The theme of the convention will be "Coming to Consensus," said Milton Rhodes, the president of the American Council for the Arts, which is having four "regional issues forums" around the country to prepare for the convention.
Several problems surfaced in the game, most of which had been reported to SI Games via their issues forum, and as a result a "Beta Patch" was released.
In a speech to the Center for National Policy, a Democratic issues forum, Mr. Kennedy called for using the tax laws to recognize corporate good citizens as "most favored companies," just as the Government gives tariff breaks to most-favored nations.
She may only have been making good on old commitments when she agreed to speak at issues forums at the Nixon Library, and at the Reagan Library in the Simi Valley.