And there, at the end of the selection, in those shivery italic letters reserved for especially significant copy, were the study questions.
"Running": a letter with a curving flare attached to the right side of the top of the letter, extending to the right, with the symbol sometimes also leaning to the right like an italic letter.
The following table shows the differences between the upright and italic Cyrillic letters of the Russian alphabet.
Above the attachment of each greater wing is a broad groove, curved something like the italic letter f; it lodges the internal carotid artery and the cavernous sinus, and is named the carotid sulcus.
Although not aimed at being fully authentic in every respect, the typeface closely follows Caslon's original specimen sheet in many respects, including varied slopes for the italic letters.
Also the prefix rac- (or racem-) or the symbols RS and SR (all in italic letters) are used.
This is called the "virtual reference stage" and is marked with Stage 0 in italic letters in the software.
On either side of the sella turcica is the carotid groove, which is broad, shallow, and curved somewhat like the italic letter f.
On top of the cross there is a red shield with a monogram combining Russian italic letters П and М standing for Emperor Paul and Empress Maria.
The slope in the font was created to mimic the flow of cursive handwriting and thus, the angles of italic letters range anywhere from 11 to 30 degree and consequently, serifs are absent.