If the officer thinks that any item constitutes contraband, he/she may examine it.
Which items of property constitute which is open to debate.
It is widely thought therefore that such items constituted a food source for the deceased.
The alarming items highlighted by lawyers for Cispes, he points out, constitute a tiny percentage of the documents.
But three items that are hard to touch - pay, military readiness and money already approved for new weapons - constitute nine-tenths of the defense budget.
The items were moving as, or constituted a part of, interstate commerce.
Please refer to the Policy commentary for details of what items should not constitute part of the breakdown account.
To most of the civilised world these items don't actually constitute food.
Those two items constitute $205 million of the $500 million tax cut package, but all the rest needs Albany approval.
Its 46 million separate items - books, manuscripts, journals, recordings - constitute the second-largest collection, after the Library of Congress, in the United States.