The item content typically sounds non-threatening and asks simple questions about daily behavior, interests, and opinions.
When a college admission test has a maximum possible score that can be attained without perfect performance on the test's item content, the test's scoring scale has a ceiling effect.
In other areas, too, feminist psychologists often find it acceptable to study culturally or socially different groups by modifying item contents, but deploying the same design.
Item writers use the PMP Examination Specification to identify item contents and references (project management texts or standards) to verify the correctness of the item.
Starting in 2000 Cerny and Smith researched and normed the CHOPS 100 with major changes in item content and wording.
The Invalidity Index is a measure of random responding, ability to understand item content, appropriate attention to item content, and as an additional measure of response style.
Some of the item content assesses absorption and the scale is therefore correlated with the Tellegen Absorption Scale.
This correlation is found despite the fact that there is no overlap of item content between the two scales.
Some concerns related to use of the MMPI with youth included inadequate item content, lack of appropriate norms, and problems with extreme reporting.
Long term knowledge and knowledge retention is fostered because item content remains relevant long after the knowledge has been learned.