The Pentagon has not yet officially identified him, but personal items found with his body strongly suggest that the grave was his.
The items suggest the site was used for agriculture in medieval times.
Although the researchers have not been able to identify the occupants, items uncovered in and beneath the stone foundation suggest that a farm family lived there.
Okay, the next item generally suggested we formed.
The items that were chosen suggest that people want to show those in the future the kinds of things that make us unique.
Though alluring, such items suggest a society that is armoring itself for Armageddon.
A rocking horse named Dapple was also seen in some episodes, when a particular song or item suggested it.
In combination, these items suggested buried treasure, enveloping the work in an exotic narrative.
Two items of circumstantial evidence from the body suggest that he may have attempted, or reached, the summit:
These items, combined with the tank and hearth found in the building, suggest that the site was used for cooking.