So for each value of , we must use an iterative solution.
The minimization of a geometric error is often a non-linear problem, that admit only iterative solutions and requires a starting point.
The equation requires an iterative solution to extract the pressure drop, as it is present on both sides of the equation.
As noted above, the iterative solution to the inverse problem fails to converge or converges slowly for nearly antipodal points.
This procedure can be viewed as a Richardson extrapolation for the iterative solution of the equations arising from the Schur complement method.
As iterative solutions are too costly, especially in Magnetohydrodynamics, some approximations have to be made.
The most common use of preconditioning is for iterative solution of linear systems resulting from approximations of partial differential equations.
Another way to generate the unique optimal iterative solution:
The sequence of these unique moves is an optimal solution to the problem equivalent to the iterative solution described above.
Other robot designs require an iterative solution.