Solving the nonlinear secular equation requires an iterative technique, such as the Newton-Raphson method.
An exact solution of this is infeasible to calculate for large np, so the iterative technique of backfitting is used.
If the source is passive, i.e. some type of isolated reflector, an iterative technique can be used to focus energy on it.
EME is limited to linear problems; nonlinear problems may be modelled using iterative techniques.
Their method used an iterative technique that enabled the user to input parameters and the computer to find which exact parameters best fit the experimental data.
The K-means algorithm is an iterative technique that is used to partition an image into K clusters.
Large size problems can be solved using iterative techniques like Conjugate gradient method.
This corresponds to eigen modes solutions using iterative techniques, as opposed to diagonalization of the entire matrix.
Equations of this sort are then solved by iterative techniques.
The third approach, is based on an iterative technique to handle directly with noise functions.