He worked as an itinerant artist, doing mostly portraits and leaving his wife to support and raise their two sons.
For itinerant artists summer was prime time.
Perhaps you hope this book about your travels with Papa will prove you're more than a rebel or an itinerant artist.
Bradley is often grouped with naïve, itinerant, or folk artists.
Some time before, an itinerant artist wandered into Port Ba-lifor with a talent for painting and a yen for ale.
However, itinerant artists, painters who travelled to various communities to sell works, frequented the area.
They were itinerant artists, many of whom had been brought into the cities to work on the huge cathedrals.
Such is the life of an itinerant artist, which is what Ms. Cubberly still is, even though she has come home.
Conibear, who traveled the American Southwest as an itinerant artist and sculptor, maintained the attraction until his death in 1994.
After the first few years of publication, the magazine began using itinerant artists and engravers to produce local illustrations.