The tall turret that housed the dead millionaire's strong room showed as a massive cylinder with ivied walls.
Studying the ivied wall, Harry made mental note of that particular tower's location.
Myrna's flashlight glimmered on the ivied walls of an old stone house that dated back at least a hundred years.
In one place they had made an ivied wall only half there, a glasslike brick refraction.
But from a dramatic point of view, keeping the ivied walls in place has its value.
Beyond the ivied wall of the front garden the church tower seemed very near.
And many more colleges that are reaching over their ivied walls and into crumbling communities.
The twittering of small birds filtered into the castle from the ivied walls outside.
He had once told Blake: "With all due respect to ivied walls of stone, they can become a prison.
Students have long revered the ivied walls of older colleges.