There is some doubt about the provenance of the fine ivory sculpture found at Mycenae, depicting two goddesses and a small boy-god.
Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture changed to a woman under Venus' blessing.
There he added a building to house his vast archery collection and related materials like thumb rings, ivory sculpture, and paintings.
(Jet eyes were common at the time in ivory sculptures of the region.)
In another work, "The Blues" (1993), the cold white form of a cabbage evokes a Chinese ivory sculpture.
She carefully cradled the ivory sculpture in her hands, looked at it, then turned it over and examined it closer.
He is particularly known for his ivory sculptures.
Lorac's voice echoed into the well, the echoes like wings rustling round the throne and the ivory sculpture.
Beside the throne a table stood, its surface made of rose glass, and upon that rosy surface an ivory sculpture of cupped hands, empty hands.
The Louvre holds very delicate ivory sculptures by him of putti in the Brussels style.