There are no major commercial jade mines in the Lillooet area today, although local shops still carry polished jade souvenirs.
The famous jade mines at Hpakant lie in the headwaters of the Uyu.
The Raufi would hold all the country around the city, the fields and the orchards, even the jade mines themselves.
It is famous for its jade mines which produce the world's best quality jadeite.
KIO logging activities also increased dramatically when after the cease-fire deal it lost control of the Hpakant jade mines and the revenue they had generated.
There is also a jade mine, although most of the jade mining is nearby in Mohnyin District.
After 23 days and 350 miles from Ava, they arrived at Mogaung in Kachin state known for its jade mines.
Hpakan is a well known place for its jade mines.
Sand and stones deposited from the jade mines have impeded the flow during the monsoons and caused flooding with damage to the roads.