Several jagged chunks of plastic flew near Gardener's head, barely missing him.
He could see quite clearly the huge, jagged chunks of rock hanging beneath it-what had once been the bedrock on which it was built.
Besides, the base of the rock looked unreachable, due to jagged chunks of stone that studded the water.
Almari watched transfixed as the cold fingers froze the circular lake into jagged chunks of white ice.
Pounding surf had cleaved jagged chunks of the massive rock on the seaward side.
They stopped again at the large jagged chunk of rock that had knocked out part of the wall before coming to rest in the field.
Pictures show jagged chunks missing from the ornate tin ceiling.
His hand closed on a jagged chunk of rock, and he started to lift it.
All I could do was to stand there, feeling my heart crumble into small, jagged chunks.
The ice was barely glazed, not great jagged chunks," as the painting shows, "and the boats aren't the right kind of boats.