In the morning mist, the lights from the barn across the way lit an eerie, jagged path for the wet black horse and helmeted rider.
He seemed almost to whisper the dangers to come, describe the jagged paths of his life, the fear of space, and eons of patience.
A jagged path, and a series of predatory monsters!
Ahead and to either side the crevices closed them in; only behind was there a jagged path.
The perimeter snakes a jagged path around 16 acres.
But when he pushed the huge door open, a blinding flash of lightning cut a jagged path across the sky.
There, the moonlight showed a jagged path that had been hewn by Lenstrom's rolling car.
Tear streaks ran down her face in jagged paths.
The best course was a crooked, jagged path, to make them as hard a target as possible.
And if they did, well, Baba did have those three parallel scars coursing a jagged path down his back.