Each course ends abruptly, forming a jagged pattern along the top.
Crystal allowed her eyes to follow the jagged pattern of the acoustical tiles.
The screen was still active, displaying a set of jagged patterns.
The penlight, clutched in my left hand, stitched jagged patterns on the wall.
Atrus stared about him in disbelief, seeing the jagged pattern of thick black cracks that now covered the meadow.
The lines followed a jagged but mostly radial pattern, fanning out from the Vent R mouth.
Additionally, the entire piece is bordered by a jagged saw-like pattern.
She began to move her hands in some sort of jagged pattern, chanting in a language I didn't know, though it sounded like Latin.
After the liquid crystal, the beam is a complete mess, with the phase-fronts forming some jagged pattern.
Just off its shore stand giant rocks carved into strange jagged patterns by the sea.