The ammunition boxes were smoldering jagged ruins.
They were ruins now, jagged and broken against the gray sky.
They spotted several rat-tailed fish, a species of shrimp and what could only be described as a sea slug that had somehow wiggled its way into the jagged ruins.
Where moments before there had been a wall of stone, there were now only jagged ruins like the broken teeth of a giant.
He made out the jagged ruins of the Black Cathedral.
Standing in the shadows, Stancell raised his riot gun and sighted through the jagged ruins of the door.
The Other stood in the gaping hole where the front door of the cabin had been, framed by jagged ruins, his right arm extended as he squeezed off the shot.
A boreal light rippled between Overlook and the jagged ruins of Kiaulune, reflecting brilliantly off the metal in the fortress wall.
Soviet bombers pounded the village more than once, leaving jagged ruins where mudwalled homes once stood and forcing many villagers to flee to Pakistan and Iran as refugees.
The roads kept carrying her and Paul across devastated countryside, through deserted towns and around the perimeter of jagged ruins where cities had stood.