Lightning carved a jagged streak across the morning sky, plunging into the gray water of the channel.
She couldn't see much, because of the thick frost near the bottom, which became jagged streaks in the middle of the glass.
Looking up, Margo saw a great, jagged streak across the opening in the wicket.
A jagged streak of lightning flashed across the sky.
A jagged streak of vivid light had stripped darkness off the night.
The woods here were not thick, but shadows drenched the high tree trunks and the sun broke through only in jagged streaks.
Then the image went dark and was replaced with jagged gray and white streaks.
"We all stood there screaming," she says, "as jagged streaks of blinding light reached down from the heavens to the sea."
A jagged streak of white lightning flashed high in the sky.
The airplane couldn't have been more than fifty feet away; Peter could see the pilot's helmet with a jagged streak of lightning across it.