On release, the jail warden gives him the address of his uncle (father's younger brother) and asks him to concentrate on his studies.
In Mumbai, jail wardens succumbed to pressure from prisoners and rented televisions for the deciding match.
However, in 1923, less than seven years later, Adeodato was killed by the jail warden in an alleged escape attempt.
Gripping the kender upside down by the seat of his blue pants, the dragon was shaking him like the most efficient of jail wardens.
Alex meets Lorna once, but they have no relationship other than that of jail warden and prisoner.
What the organization wants most from its members is that they write letters to government officials and jail wardens in countries where individual cases of violations have been found.
The film portrays a young jail warden, Adinath, who rehabilitates six deadly prisoners released on parole into persons of virtue.
The jail warden was temporarily reassigned, and state officials will run the jail for now.
He leads a calm life inside the prison campus and is a pet of the jail warden.
(Milosevic's guards took notes on family meetings, and the jail warden has published a memoir.)