Graziosa was jailed immediately after the sentencing, which included three years of probation and an order of protection for Wells.
The state believes that Willett is a dangerous man and should be jailed immediately.
If the Germans discovered people were involved in the resistance, they were often immediately jailed.
Sarno was jailed immediately but in an unusual move, was furloughed for several hours the following weekend to get married.
But he was immediately jailed on charges that when he was arrested some marijuana was found.
In Jackson, Farmer and the other riders were immediately jailed.
Mr. Fitzgerald indicated yesterday that he would seek to have the reporters jailed immediately.
On December 20, he pled guilty to drug use charges and was jailed immediately.
He was denied bail before sentencing and immediately jailed.
The three arrived in Houston with only their toothbrushes, fearing they would be immediately jailed.