And Time for Peace was hardly the first benefit to have to cope with celebrities' jam-packed schedules.
Camp directors say they must compete against the jam-packed schedules of today's youth.
A jam-packed schedule doesn't leave time for frequent pit stops to reapply lipstick.
While it was too early for definitive judgments, Mr. Clinton appeared sure-footed during his jam-packed schedule.
Given Mr. Icahn's jam-packed schedule, that may be difficult to do.
Identify the biggest causes of stress in your life: financial problems, relationship conflicts, lack of social support, a jam-packed schedule, or too many deadlines.
The jam-packed schedule featured multiple seminars by day - sometimes six at a time - and multiple parties by night - at least six at a time.
"That's a really jam-packed schedule," Mr. Volpe said.
If anything is keeping Ms. Flanigan up at night, it is her jam-packed schedule.
Any thought Coach Jeff Van Gundy had of changing Ewing's emphasis and resting him for games on a jam-packed 50-game schedule are over.