She stood with her hands jammed deep in her pockets and gazed only at me.
"I didn't think it got this cold down south," said Higginson, his hands jammed deep in the pocket of his coat.
He stood up and walked over to the window, his fists jammed deep into his pockets.
Braced against the steering wheel, Moe escaped injury, as he was jammed deep into the front seat.
Ushiba's hands, jammed deep in the pockets of his overcoat, were clenched into fists.
The post was jammed deep in the ground.
His hands are jammed deep in the long coat's pockets.
What stunned her was not the ruined left eye, or the screwdriver handle jammed deep into the orbit.
Freddy Bates stood beside the huge refrigerator, one hand jammed deep into a jacket pocket.
Suddenly the Library was like an aggravating, infuriating splinter jammed deep in one buttock.