One year, students had to perform janitorial duties themselves.
Meanwhile, Bridget, in the course of her janitorial duties, retrieves the dumped bills from the trash and splits them among Nina and Jackie in the women's restroom.
Lowery had become a firefighter when firehouses had their own Jim Crow beds and black firefighters often drew the worst janitorial duties.
In addition to playing as many as five roles each, they perform those all-important janitorial duties and punctuate scene changes with vigorous bursts of sonorous singing.
As a result, Subhas goes back to the 11:30 shift, and Khonani leaves NBC to continue his janitorial duties at Foxwoods Resort Casino.
Sebastian: A purple alley cat who is usually reduced to janitorial duties and likes to nap any chance he gets.
Doug has worked in several other jobs throughout the series, both alongside and in place of his janitorial duties.
They could do light janitorial duty.
Iron Head (Yut Fei Wong) has a bottle broken over his head in a restroom after botching his janitorial duties.
A few hospitals ask their volunteers to help out with janitorial duties, like cleaning beds.