I was walking through the intensive care unit of a San Francisco hospital earlier this year when I noticed a jarring sight.
The violent impact on such a delicate-looking woman remains a jarring sight, no matter how many times it has been replayed.
With Martinez's increasing volume, the jarring sight of the two men on the ground, and the onset of auditory exclusion, they did not notice the third.
Data looked away from the jarring sight and tried to reason it out.
On Melbourne's trams and trains and buses, women knitting is not a jarring sight.
And yet, even if workers avoid the window, there are plenty of other jarring sights, sounds, smells.
In live theater an actor standing alongside himself would still be a jarring sight - but perhaps not for long.
Two fully-armed Starfleet guards stood at full attention on either side of the doors, the first jarring sight amid all the pretty tranquility.
It was a jarring sight for anyone who knows the characters only as lovable cartoons with bad overbites.
- the moral ambivalence was soon displaced by the jarring sight of watching her high cheekbones absorb an uppercut.