Curt laughed, a jarring sound on the bitter silence.
It was a pleasant affair until the jarring sound of a dozen paging devices suddenly filled the room.
Her suspicions were interrupted by the jarring sound of several kilograms of iron crashing to earth.
It was constructed, after the fact, as my startled brain scrambled to make sense of the jarring sound.
The rigid silence that followed this was broken a moment later by the jarring sound of one man clapping.
Then, as she raised her head to breathe, a jarring sound shattered her tranquillity.
A jarring sound had struck the cracksman's ears; a weird whisper that was certainly real, yet incredible in its manifestation.
And Sheemie laughed, a jarring sound to Jake's grieving ear.
The warrior had just taken his post near the entrance when the jarring sound of a ringing telephone drew him to a desk in the corner.
Slight adjustments to the production included reduction of any jarring sounds or strobe lights focused into the audience.