Yet she had the jaunty air of a woman who was never beautiful but infinitely sure of her ability to cope with life.
She tilted it back, and then to the side, giving her an almost jaunty air.
As always, he had a devilish smile and the jaunty air of a man who enjoys life.
The young officer strode across the lawn to where they sat, with the jaunty air of a man who knows an entertaining secret.
"In case you thought her jaunty airs might be tolerated in someone else."
He started toward the staircase with a jaunty and exhilarated air.
"Outstanding," he said, with a jaunty air that he often maintains.
He wore a flat, battered cap on his head, pushed to one side to give him a jaunty air.
He cleared the door, forcing a jaunty air into his walk.