Saul Bellow was a kind of intellectual boulevardier, wearing a jaunty hat and a smile as he marched into literary battle.
He wore "a flaming red suit, a jaunty gray hat and diamond rings.
Jules was wearing her new blue velvet riding habit and a jaunty little hat.
He stood tall, sported a yellow feather in a jaunty hat and wore a Superman-sized smile.
She had formed an instant attachment for Ralph and his jaunty hat.
In performing, he made use of the familiar pince-nez, cigarette holders and jaunty hats, but was at pains to suggest Roosevelt rather than to imitate him.
Ladeeta wore a jaunty black hat and did not cry, even when Lavelle began wailing: "Mommy!
He smoothed it out, revealing a picture of a red-lipped woman wearing a jaunty red hat.
As she put on her red gloves and jaunty red knit hat, Ms. Thomas ruminated on the future.
Matthew is a physicist, science writer, former college professor, ex-planetarium director, occasional musician, and frequent wearer of jaunty hats.