As with the other music teachers, he performs on his off time - in a jazz duo with Art Romeo, the high school music-theory teacher.
"This is a jazz duo whose 20th-century decibel level is not out of range with our early, 18th-century music etiquette," he said from his home in Cambridge, England.
Open daily for lunch and dinner, weekend brunch (a jazz duo plays on Sunday).
Anders also plays the upright bass (double bass) in a jazz duo together with his brother Jens Johansson.
Aisha Duo is the name of a jazz musical duo.
In the 1990s he toured in acclaimed jazz duo, Lewis & Young through Europe, Asia and Australia.
With Spencer and Nancy Reed, a jazz duo.
The performers, who wrote the show and also play the detectives on the case, have the tight, spontaneous timing of a jazz duo.
C12 Music: A jazz duo of the 70's is reunited.
Tuck & Patti are an American jazz duo.