It's an extended jazz piece with singing, built around some of the great novel's episodes.
On the other hand, there are blues and jazz pieces.
On the day before the game, the girls run through a jazz piece and are pretty good at it, although a little squeaky in some places.
For what i know, this is the first jazz piece ever with an electric keyboard (a Wurlitzer).
He was considered competent, but not good enough to solo during the jazz pieces.
The fireworks changed tenor as the music shifted from the jazz piece to a martial march.
He also composed a number of orchestral works, songs, and jazz pieces.
As a jazz piece heated up, two camera shots got out of sync.
When the dancers ran, it was as if they were trying to escape something rather than reaching for the shining ring of most jazz pieces.
But mostly, Prism plays new works, with the occasional jazz piece for variety.