In films Lennie never forgets his jazz roots.
Despite his jazz roots he admits that his interest in performing rock music was an act of rebellion.
The concert was a return, of sorts, to their jazz roots.
All the while, Blanchard has remained true to his jazz roots as a trumpeter and bandleader on the performance circuit.
For the fifth album, she is back to her jazz roots with Night Lights, a collection of standards.
But it won't be easy for him to leave behind his jazz roots altogether.
These labels allowed Dex further creative freedom, the latter being his platform to express his jazz roots.
The problem is that it strays from the album's jazz roots and seems too in.
Joined by an eight-member band that brings out his jazz roots, he still gives a terrific party.
This album was designed to provide a return to Freddie's jazz roots while still being commercially viable.