Thoughtful features include teak window panels that can be pulled tight against the morning sun, especially appreciated by the jet-lagged traveler.
But when the two are out of sync - as with overnight workers or jet-lagged travelers - the body clock says sleep, the sun says otherwise, and nobody's happy.
And a sack from Urbaneve, also not shown, is embroidered "laundry" ($28, 866-673-7159 or, to keep even jet-lagged travelers organized.
Then he must be living like a vampire: working a night shift at Shasht or the Islands, at any business that caters to jet-lagged travelers.
It is a great place to start a New York day, particularly if you are a jet-lagged traveler who can't sleep anyway.
The low-set bed was comfortable, but jet-lagged travelers awake in the middle of the night may long for a slightly softer set of sheets.
For newly arrived immigrants and jet-lagged travelers alike, that promise of America can take on near mythic proportions.
The reason for such hours - presumably aside from the inevitable demand from insomniacs and jet-lagged travelers - is Harry's proximity to assorted nightclubs.
The airport's vicinity will include hiking trails for jet-lagged travelers, golf courses, convention center, a theme park, a shopping center, hotels, and a wetlands nature preserve.
What more could a grimy, jet-lagged traveler need?