As a novelist, he hasn't entirely jettisoned the crutch of irony, but in this essay he thoroughly demolishes it as an option.
Whether New Yorkers in his district would ultimately hold Mr. Goodman responsible if Republican leaders should prevail - and the rent system is either modified significantly or jettisoned entirely - also remains unclear.
Without entirely jettisoning the original landscaping, the Hadid team emphasizes an uninterrupted flow of human creative energy.
Nick Levine of Digital Spy wrote that "sisterhood" is being "jettisoned entirely" on the track, which he described as "crass and misogynistic".
Building on concepts it pioneered at its 13-year-old plant here, Sweden's A. B. Volvo is now intent upon entirely jettisoning Ford's assembly line approach at a $315 million plant it is constructing at Uddevalla on the west coast of the Swedish peninsula.
However, they did not entirely jettison their 1980s influences as synthesizers percolated several songs.
Mr. Lubarsky will never entirely jettison country, though, since it's an unpretentious musical form that reflects his establishment's clientele.
Though Mr. Zee is clearly on Hava's side, he throws in a few cautionary glimpses of the depravity that apparently results when traditional values are jettisoned entirely.
I really can't see how it would be anything but entirely jettisoning of Atom.
The framing device for the book (a man in contemporary time who is given the journals to read) is jettisoned entirely, and some aspects of the relationship between Borden and Angier and changed as well.