Though, for a fact, I know an incantation which can produce a jeweled button or two.
Portlyn then turned the white dial above the jeweled buttons one click to the left.
He reached for the red jeweled button, which was flashing in anticipation.
Portlyn slowly moved his hand toward the red jeweled button on the Zapper behind him.
Scotty continued, pointing to the yellow, blue, and red jeweled buttons on the device's control console.
Scotty then pointed to the black and white dials that were situated above the jeweled buttons.
Inside the crown was a red velvet cap topped with a large jeweled button.
Not a jeweled button had been ripped away.
As a token of gratitude, the king presented him with a case of three jeweled buttons.
Note the jeweled buttons on his doublet fasten to one side of the front opening, not down the center, 1577.