This play of light is evident across the panel, and especially seen on Mary's gilded dress and jewelled crown, across her hair and on her mantle.
The Archbishop, ignoring the interlopers, raised the jewelled and filigreed crown of Sorandor.
Then Archbishop Corrigan, Archbishop Loris, and Bishop Arilan elevated the jewelled crown of Gwynedd, reciting the ancient formula of coronation as they did.
The original figure, now adorned with a jewelled crown, is on display in the 17-century Basilica, where choirboys sing every morning and evening.
The canons had offered the king a golden and jewelled crown and the king readily consented to buy it.
The emblem of Steinbach is a jewelled golden crown in front of blue background.
Her best known work is in the vast former Catholic Apostolic Church (1893-1901) in Broughton Street which has been called "Edinburgh's Sistine Chapel", and "a jewelled crown".
Lanterns were glowing in the windows of the houses on the heights, and Ziraccu appeared as a jewelled crown.
As bright as a jewelled crown hung above a throne.
He also wore a jewelled crown for such occasions, and a jewelled hilted sword.