The jittery feeling turned into a nice warm spread of pleasure.
She thought about it, analyzed the jittery feeling that made it hard for her to sit still.
She thought it was, but there was a jittery feeling in her stomach.
The jittery feeling in her bones persisted.
Toby tried to quell the jittery feeling in the pit of his stomach as they started down the road.
That hadn't always been the case, but the jittery feeling at the bottom of his stomach got worse every year.
"I'd take breaks because I was getting a jittery feeling and strange heart flutters," she says.
He was never one to get a case of nerves before a job, but that's what the jittery feeling he was experiencing had to be.
And the jittery feelings I used to get just after sunset, just before dawn - have quit.
I sensed a growing jittery feeling among people I passed, a sense of nervous anticipation, even if no-one seemed too sure about what.