But while jobs have been declining, the growth rate of average hourly earnings in manufacturing is rising again.
Counting the departure of 120,000 temporary census workers, though, jobs declined over all by 75,000.
At that point, jobs had declined 0.37 percent, and they still had seven more months to fall.
His aides say that without the three tax cuts passed since early 2001, the jobs decline would have been even worse.
With the downturn, jobs in the mortgage field are declining.
The period during which jobs declined, 1989 to 1992, lasted three years.
In the 80's, available jobs and wages for unskilled workers declined.
However, full-time female jobs had declined by nearly 1400 since 1971.
American jobs will inevitably decline in both number and wages.
It was the 16th time in 17 months that manufacturing jobs declined.