One does not overcome problems of tax burdens, job displacement, aging industries and international competition by penning a few words.
"Despite strong advice from many of us in Congress, this agreement simply does not pay adequate attention to job displacement or environmental concerns."
We have just noted that new technology has a major impact at work in accelerating the shift from manufacturing into services, in reducing the amount of routine work, and in job displacement.
But President Clinton spoke against job displacement, calling instead in recent speeches for millions of new jobs to accommodate welfare workers.
Economists say they have not devised ways to measure the job displacement that is already part of the transition.
The opportunity came after a job displacement.
They analyzed job displacement that resulted from the increase in the minimum wage in California from $4.25 an hour in 1996 to $5.75 in 1998.
Outsourcing, especially offshoring, always comes under scrutiny, mainly due to job displacement.
With one monolithic scheme of working for benefits, there would be a problem of job displacement, she told the committee.
While job displacement has gradually increased during the 23 years covered by the surveys, the unemployment rate has trended down.