As their jobs increase in complexity, they can no longer disguise and work around their inability to read.
In the same period, jobs in the city increased by 212,000, or 6 percent.
One reason for the shortage is the demographic situation, with entry-level workers decreasing in number while available jobs increase.
Such jobs increased by 17,800 in the other boroughs.
In the Reagan years, she said, jobs have increased and inflation has dwindled.
The proportion of women ages 65 to 69 holding jobs has increased by 8.8 percentage points over the 20 years.
From 1990 to 2008, the jobs in this sector increased from 88 million to 115 million.
Recent job growth is positive and jobs have increased by 0.76 percent.
This field is one that many other people are not aware of and the jobs are increasing through out the years.
Such jobs have increased 24 percent since 1992.