With power emanating from the center, the best jobs in Japan have migrated steadily toward the capital.
Thinking creatively about ways to help workers whose jobs migrate overseas should be a top priority from the White House to Capitol Hill to state capitols.
Factories and jobs were migrating from states with high electric power prices to those with lower prices.
Some white-collar jobs migrated to low-wage countries; others were taken over by computers.
Instead of bashing China, Congress and the Bush administration should be putting money into bolstering retraining programs to help American workers whose jobs migrate overseas.
Their wealth was based on heavy industry, and they proved unable to find a replacement once such jobs migrated to lower-cost parts of the world.
Other businessmen say that many low-wage jobs will inevitably migrate overseas, but that now some will move to Mexico rather than East Asia.
This brought it jobs and many lowlanders migrated to Benguet, especially in towns surrounding the mines, such as Itogon.
Their jobs have not migrated overseas, but the employees just concluded their most bruising battle ever over wages.
One might complain, for instance, that jobs in the pornography industry, like those in manufacturing, would migrate offshore.