Adams later said: "It was the most difficult period because I had to leave my family as well as give up my job of 18 1/2 years.
Leslie Valentine lost her job of nearly 15 years at Morgan Stanley on her 40th birthday in 2002.
"I would lose my job of 15 years" if the day care center closed, said Anita Colon, a hospital secretary with a 4-year-old son at the center.
He was laid off last summer from a fast-food restaurant, a job he took after he lost his job of 10 years at an auto dealership.
Paul Burce had quit his job of 14 years to move to Oakland, and was unable to get it back when they returned.
Actually, I'm supposed to be taking some time off, getting my head screwed on straight, getting used to maybe being fired from my job of twelve years.
In the play's first scene, Will loses his job of many years, just as he's sunk a bundle into the new house.
But he quit his job of 16 years to come to Washington.
Its managers have stayed on the job an average of six years.
In October, just after Mrs. Y. returned to work, she was dismissed from her job of 10 years.