True, job recruiters report some problems persuading new workers to move here.
A job recruiter, Ms. Stange really wants to be a singer.
Anybody can get a pink slip, even a job recruiter.
The government's 2006 legislation to expand its labor trafficking law to introduce new penalties for job recruiters remains in draft form.
Banks are also planning to hire hundreds of workers this year, job recruiters say.
Among a handful interviewed here, most said they had received letters from job recruiters.
One way for identity thieves to get information is by posing as job recruiters, especially online.
"I wish any nation to interfere to save our country," said a maritime job recruiter.
At Northeastern University this year, there were 440 job recruiters, up from 400 the year before.
Now married with three daughters, he is a job recruiter for management consulting companies and performs about 50 weddings a year.