The money states use to persuade companies to stay would be better spent on retraining workers whose jobs have vanished, he said.
As jobs vanished, so did the middle class of all races.
That means roughly 13 million jobs vanished this year.
Since December, 114,000 jobs have vanished, about one-third the size of the loss reported in earlier data.
Some 2.4 million jobs have vanished since the nation's payrolls peaked two years ago.
But as the jobs vanished, the city's population fell from a high of 30,000 in the 1960s to about 19,000 today.
But while those jobs have vanished on paper, many of the responsibilities are being fulfilled by outside contractors.
Because his old job has vanished, he has spent much of the last year looking for a similar one.
The assured jobs of the past have vanished along with the money, but the crisis goes beyond mere economics.
Two million jobs have vanished in the last two years.