All the other jockeys took the same stance, with the result that all four runners stood still at the start.
The thinking man's jockey reflected one tick, took the long view and said: "It's obvious the owners are having a tough time.
Later, while racing, the jockey takes a nasty spill, and Nancy is sure the real cause is foul play.
He continued to watch as his jockey took the horse around for the victory lap.
In the prep, the other jockeys took me to the outside fence.
Bimelech's jockey, Fred Smith, took the blame for the loss.
My question is: Would other jockeys have taken a stand like this?
After two unsuccessful weeks of trying to negotiate a compromise pay scale, the jockeys have taken a new tack.
Suddenly the jockey takes the lead and says, "I'll take it from here."
The jockey took a hard tumble after his horse tripped going around the curve.