He jogs regularly and has become famous for leaving distinguished guests in the dust in his regular early morning run.
This is the same pleasure runners get on a course they jog regularly, rather than one in a new place.
For her that was exercising: she goes to aerobics classes and jogs regularly.
Until last December, for 30 years he jogged regularly with a friend, navigating the familiar course by tying their arms together with a cord.
But this 63-year-old grandfather, an athletic-looking man who jogs regularly and wears Italian suits, has had a dramatic change of mind.
His father described him as a "health nut" who lifted weights and jogged regularly.
One day, Van Yperan invited students to jog with him regularly.
He works every day, plays golf and regularly jogs two miles.
Today Colonel Cornum jogs regularly and hikes during her one day off a week.
The carriage jogged regularly over the cobbled streets; it had good springs, and the horses were good.